OSCON 2009 Call For Papers Is Open!
I'm a bit tardy on this, but the OSCON 2009 Call For Papers is now open.
In the past couple of years the shift from desktop-centric to a more web-centric OSCON has continued to make the conference useful and engaging, and great work on topics like JavaScript/Ajax performance, Dojo, Comet, and many of the emerging back-end bits of infrastructure that make it all go have made my yearly trip to Portland worthwhile.
Great talks have gotten lost from the JavaScript/web track in years past because they've missed the submission deadline, so if you're hacking on something fascinating, now's the time to get that proposal in. Make sure you flag it with the right track when you submit (javascript, ajax, web, or whatever they're calling it this year), and don't hesitate to ping me if you're unsure about whether or not your talk got slotted correctly for the review process.